I didn't take any pictures of Mendoza... I didn't spend very much time there and there really wasn't much to take pics of. I mean, it was a nice enough city just nothing really amazing. I did go horseback riding which I haven't done since I was really young so that was really fun.

After Mendoza I took a bus to Santiago and crossed the boarder into Chile. Although I thought I lost my passport (I found it... no worries), the pass was pretty amazing.

We went straight to Valparaiso after getting to the bus terminal in Santiago. It was only another ~2 hours so we figured it would be easier w/o knowing Santiago just to hang out in Valparaiso for awhile. Like I said, Valparaiso was absolutely amazing... I had a hard time walking down the streets because I would stop so much to look at/take pics of all the artwork. There were so many hidden paths w/ staircases and all kinds of different artwork all over the place. I'll try to minimize the number of pics I post but it is really hard for me. Hah.

I am now in Santiago and just got in about an hour ago. I am going to hopefully meet up w/ Tamara tonight or tomorrow... this city is really big so I think it will be good to have a friend here to show me around. I am really excited to see her!
After Santiago I think I will go back to Mendoza for a little while and then go straight to Buenos Aires from there. I haven't completely planned the rest of my trip but I believe I am going to come back to the States around the end of July or beginning of August... I think that will give me enough time to see more of Argentina, some of Brazil, and then get back to Lima for my flight.
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