I like Santiago ok... I'm not much of a city person but as far as cities go it seems like a nice city. There are a lot of really old buildings that are pretty cool.

And this art museum had a lot of old photos of Santiago with these same buildings in the photos. My camera battery died right after I took this picture so I didn't get any more of the museum or the stuff in the museum... hmph.

I went to the top of a viewpoint in Santiago... it was a great view of the city... and the smog.

But if you pretend it is just clouds its actually quite beautiful.

Yesterday I went to a vineyard and did wine tasting. It was pretty cool but I wish we could have learned a little more about the process of making wine. Also, we only got to try 2 different types of wine... nonetheless, the building was really old (1886) and cool and it was a fun trip.

While that other stuff was really cool... this is how they actually do it now. Kinda takes away from the whole romantic feeling doesn't it?

I think I might go to a few more museums in Santiago before I leave so I will probably make another post of Santiago. Then after that the plan is to go Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls, Rio De Janeiro, and the Pantanal. Then after that make my way as quick as possible across Bolivia and Peru up to Ecuador and spend the rest of my trip in Ecuador and Columbia. We'll see how long I can stick to a plan... i'm not so good at making plans...
LOVE the old winery pictures! Beautiful!