After Iguazu I went to the Pantanal which is a tropical wetland outside Campo Grande. Lots of animals and stuff... here is just a pic of a croc.

I stayed in the Pantanal for 4 days and slept in a hammock. It was fun, saw a lot of cool animals and had a good time swimming in the piranha/crocodile infested waters.
After the Pantanal I flew to Rio de Janeiro. Didn't think I was going to like it for some reason even though everyone says it is great. I ended up having a really good time. Very cool city with great beaches and a lot to do. I climbed a mountain called Sugar Loaf and watched the sun set over Rio which was really nice. Went to a crazy Favela party in some really shady neighborhood in a really poor area of Rio. Hung out on the beach. Got bed bugs from a crappy but cool hostel. Ate some good food. Met some cool people. Good times... minus the bed bugs.

After Rio I flew to Manaus. Pretty shady city but was still ok. VERY hot and humid there... felt like I was going to die. I booked a boat through the Amazon that was supposed to take 36 hours. It ended up taking 4 days... and we stopped getting fed after 2. Fun stuff.
Made it to Leticia, had trouble leaving Brazil because I am an idiot and somehow got into Brazil illegally w/o an entry stamp in my passport.
Flew from Leticia to Bogota.... now I am in Bogota.
Seems like a cool city but I don't have a lot of time to travel through Colombia, Ecuador and north Peru so I think I will leave on Saturday or Sunday. I am going to the far north of the Country and then going to make my way south until I get to Lima... hopefully I don't have to take any more flights and can just make it back by bus. I don't know if I have enough time or not though... we'll see.