After Iguazu I went to the Pantanal which is a tropical wetland outside Campo Grande. Lots of animals and stuff... here is just a pic of a croc.

I stayed in the Pantanal for 4 days and slept in a hammock. It was fun, saw a lot of cool animals and had a good time swimming in the piranha/crocodile infested waters.
After the Pantanal I flew to Rio de Janeiro. Didn't think I was going to like it for some reason even though everyone says it is great. I ended up having a really good time. Very cool city with great beaches and a lot to do. I climbed a mountain called Sugar Loaf and watched the sun set over Rio which was really nice. Went to a crazy Favela party in some really shady neighborhood in a really poor area of Rio. Hung out on the beach. Got bed bugs from a crappy but cool hostel. Ate some good food. Met some cool people. Good times... minus the bed bugs.

After Rio I flew to Manaus. Pretty shady city but was still ok. VERY hot and humid there... felt like I was going to die. I booked a boat through the Amazon that was supposed to take 36 hours. It ended up taking 4 days... and we stopped getting fed after 2. Fun stuff.
Made it to Leticia, had trouble leaving Brazil because I am an idiot and somehow got into Brazil illegally w/o an entry stamp in my passport.
Flew from Leticia to Bogota.... now I am in Bogota.
Seems like a cool city but I don't have a lot of time to travel through Colombia, Ecuador and north Peru so I think I will leave on Saturday or Sunday. I am going to the far north of the Country and then going to make my way south until I get to Lima... hopefully I don't have to take any more flights and can just make it back by bus. I don't know if I have enough time or not though... we'll see.
I think i'm done with this blog. Hah... I thought I was going to update a lot more often but I guess I got a little sick of doing it.
ReplyDeleteIn three weeks I head back to Montana and about a month after that I am going to go on a road trip through the U.S. So to everyone, friends and family, I'll see you all soon!!
Awe... sad! How else are we supposed to keep up with your worldly travels?! Maybe you should just update like once a month with your favorite pictures!