Friday, April 9, 2010

Lima, Peru Cont.

Went to the Brazilian Embassy today to try and get a visa for Brazil. Kind of a pain the ass... we have to find a place with computers and a printer so that we can print out the application. This is much easier said than done.

We also went and saw some ruins in Miraflores... nothing incredibly spectacular but it was kinda cool to see.

After the ruins I had some really good fish. The plate was called pescado con salsa de mariscos. mmmmm.

I don't think I am going to keep updating this as much as I have been because it is a real pain to upload pictures every day... plus I am sure people will probably get sick of my updates. I think I will keep it to like once or twice a week.


Huaca Pucllana, pretty interesting... they built these structures in a way that helped minimize damage when earthquakes hit (spaces in blocks and kind of a zig zag design so only one area would crack rather than the whole wall). It kinds sucks that a lot of the temple was ruined 70 years ago when they tore it down to build modern buildings:

Ima eat this guy... well not him but probably a sibling of his:

Kowabunga dude:


  1. YOU ARE GOING TO EAT A GUINEA PIG!!?!??? Are you aware that I HAD GUINEA PIGS growing up?! :(

  2. I certainly am... and I certainly am... i'm just goin' with the flow ya know?

  3. dont eat a guinea pig kadin....sad, and the ruins look sick!!

  4. hey kadin this is dylan... i'm having trouble posting comments as me-i can't remember my password. Anyways the sand boarding pix looked wicked even if you sucked and it was painful. and whats this i hear about a girl who fell in love with you one night at a bar?? anyways talk soon. later
