I feel a bit relieved after finally figuring out how to apply for the visa... now I can relax a little more. I have seen most of Lima... at least the main areas (Central, Miraflores, and Barranco) and am ready for some new sights!
We met some crazy Australian and English guys that have been here for about a month... they brought us to some crazy club that had a fashion show going on in it. It wasn't exactly my cup of tea but it was pretty entertaining.
I have been trying to learn more Spanish. I can understand some people a bit but then others I can't figure out a damn thing they are saying to me. Today I bought "La Carretera" or "The Road" in Spanish and I am going to try to get through it with an English/Spanish dictionary. I would imagine this will help me learn at least something...
Anyways, here are some pics of a few more things I have seen. Lima is a pretty cool city with really amazing architecture. (I really suck at taking pictures... i'll work on getting some better shots)
A church in the main plaza in Barranco:

Plaza in Central Lima:

Plaza Central Lima:


A street in Central Lima:

This is what a lot of the food looks like down here. Pretty damn good... food ends up being between about 3 and 10 US$ depending on how nice of a restaurant you go to. Even the cheaper restaurants taste really good (unless you get pizza... or lazauna so i've heard):

Wow the churches are incredible!! The food looks pretty good too!! Not too sure about cow heart though.....